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۱۳۸۷ تیر ۷, جمعه

نیاز به کمک فوری تمامی هم میهنان

متن زیر را از طریق ایمیل یا فکس یا تلفن
به خبرگزاریهای اعلام شده ارسال کنید

Matn Baraye Ersal:

With the announcement of Channel One TV, the Persian TV in Los Angeles:
Today, Friday, June 27/2008, People of Iran in 4 cities will demonstrate
againts the Islamic Regime of Iran to protest the Economic Mafia in the country
directly related to the regime.
Please have your associates to report this historical event, the voice of
Iranian people, worldwide."

1- Tehran: Kargar Ave.
2- Mashhad: Park-e-Mellat
3- Shiraz: Alam Park
4- Isfahan: Charbagh Balla PL.

Contact this email for further information:

Moshakhasate khabargozariha:
Iran-Tehran-Velenjak, Kheyabane 19 Shargi, Pelake 25 (Borje Saman) Aparteman 16
Telephone: (98 21) 22406319

Assciated Press:
Telephone: (001) 212-621-1500
Email: info@ap.org

BBC Persian:
Telephone Bakhshe Farsi 1: (0044) 207 557 2546
Telephone Bakhshe Farsi 2: (0044) 207 240 4833
FAX: (0044) 207 240 4638
Email: persian@bbc.co.uk

BBC International:
Telephone: 0044 208 433 2221
FAX: 0044 208 433 3040

FOX News:

CNN Headline News:
Glenn Beck Program
EMail: me@glennbeck.com
EMail: stu@glennbeck.com

Radio Farda:
Telephone: (001) 202 457 6998
FAX: (001) 202 457 6992
EMail 1: barzegar@rferl.org
EMail 2: info@radiofarda.com

Headquarted Telephone: (001) 202 203 4545
Headquarted FAX: (001) 202 203 4585
EMail: PublicAffairs@ibb.gov

VOA News in Persian:
Telephone: (001) 202 205 9942
FAX: (001) 202 382 5218
EMail: ankbut@voanews.com

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تظاهرات 7 تیر

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